Business and Technical Energy In-House Training for Your Team

Oil & Gas ǀ Hydrogen (UHS) ǀ Carbon Capture (CCS/CCUS) ǀ GHG ǀ Geothermal Energy

Male Participant of Inhouse Training Courses / © iStockPhoto

Training Portfolio


  • Legend

HOT's terms and conditions

Advanced Artificial Lift Systems Design, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting (PRE36)
Advanced Coil Tubing and Hydraulic Workover Operations (PRE23)
Advanced Drilling Technologies (DRI14)
Advanced Gas Condensate Reservoir Management (RES05)
Advanced Neural Networks, Deep Learning and MLOps for Upstream Professionals (RES77)
Advanced PVT and EOS Fluid Characterisation (RES08)
Advanced Well & Reservoir Facility Management (PRE45)
Advanced Well Log Interpretation (PPH26)
Advanced Well Testing and Interpretation (RES37)
Applied Field Development Planning (PBM35)
Applied Machine Learning and Data Science for Upstream Professionals (RES65)
Applied Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques: From Theory to Practical Use (SSK26)
Applied Structural Geology (GEO54)
Artificial Lift Systems Design, Diagnosis, Operations and Optimisation (PRE03)
Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry - Level 1 (FIN06)
Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry - Level 2 (FIN07)
Basic Drilling Technologies (DRI34)
Basic Geophysical Data Acquisition and Processing (GPH48)
Basic Reservoir Fluid Properties and Phase Behaviour (RES13)
Basin Analysis and Modelling Workshop (GEO51)
Budgeting & Cost Management (FIN08)
Business Development for Subsurface Decarbonisation Projects (PBM45)
Business Writing Skills (SSK55)
Carbonate Geology applied to Conventional and Unconventional Plays (GEO02)
Carbonate Reservoir Characterisation and Modelling for the Energy Transition (RES62)
Carbonate Reservoir Characterisation on the Field / Sicily, Italy (FTP08)
Carbonate Reservoirs (GEO61)
Cased Hole Logging & Formation Evaluation (PPH41)
CCS for Reservoir Engineers (RES75)
CCUS Drilling Engineering (DRI55)
Cementing Technologies (DRI30)
Change Leadership (MAN49)
Clastic Reservoir Characterisation (GEO70)
Clastic Sedimentation and Sequence Stratigraphy (GEO69)
Coiled Tubing Operation and Acid Stimulation (PRE38)
Communication Skills for Success (SSK11)
Contracts Strategy & Management (CON02)
Core Analysis Fundamentals and Technology (RES45)
Core and Core Analysis (RES76)
Critical Thinking (SSK61)
Data Reconciliation in Flow Metering (PRE41)
Decision Quality in Organisations (PBM01)
Decision-Based Geothermal Field Development (ETR08)
Deepwater Sedimentary Systems of the Taranaki Basin: Outer Shelf to Basin Plain Petroleum Reservoir Analogues (FTP10)
Development Geology (GEO64)
Direct GHG Emissions Inventory Compiling for Upstream Oil & Gas (ETR11)
Directional Drilling and Well Placement for High Angle and Complex Wells (DRI37)
Directional, Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling (DRI08)
Drill Bits and Hydraulics (DRI48)
Drilling Performance Optimisation (DRI49)
Drilling Practices (DRI33)
Effective Change Management (SSK57)
Effective Technical Writing for Exploration and Production Staff - A Structured System (SSK24)
Energy and Petroleum Economics, Business and Decision Making (PBM02)
Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals (RES03)
Enhanced Oil Recovery: Fundamentals and Applications (RES31)
EOR: Chemicals (RES68)
EOR: Heavy Oil Steam Injection (RES58)
EOR: Miscible Gas Injection (RES47)
ESP Systems Design and Diagnosis with Prosper (PRE28)
Exploration & Production Accounting - Level 1 (FIN01)
Exploration & Production Accounting - Level 2 (FIN02)
Exploration & Production Accounting - Level 3 (FIN03)
Exploration Economics (PBM19)
Extended Reach Drilling (DRI39)
Formation Evaluation Principles and Correlations with Core Analysis Data (PPH37)
Fundamental Skills for Petroleum Geoscientists (GEO11)
Fundamentals in Petrophysical Log Interpretation: Theory and Practice (PPH23)
Fundamentals of Oil & Gas Production (FAC09)
Gas Dehydration (FAC10)
Gas Lift Systems Design, Operation and Optimisation (PRE31)
Gas Processing Technologies (FAC02)
Geo-Energy and the Global Energy System – An Introduction (ETR07)
Geodynamics and Structural Styles in Exploration (GEO58)
Geological Storage of CO2: Pick the Right Reservoir (RES71)
Geomechanics and Risk Assessment for CCUS (ETR12)
Geomechanics at Well and Field Scale (GEO75)
Geomechanics for Well Engineers (GEO74)
Geophysical Reservoir Characterisation (GPH01)
Geosteering Technology (DRI41)
Geothermal Drilling Technology (DRI13)
Geothermal Engineering (ETR02)
Geothermal Exploration & Development (ETR09)
Global LNG Projects: A Full Cycle Holistic Approach (PBM51)
Horizontal Well Technology: Production and Reservoir Engineering (RES70)
HSSE in Drilling Operations (HSE12)
HSSE in Logistic Operations (HSE13)
Hydraulic Workover Equipment and Operations (PRO22)
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production: Business, Technologies, Methods (PBM26)
Hydrocarbon Fluid Properties & Phase Equation (RES55)
Hydrogen Exploration – Is it a New Game Changer? (ETR06)
Integrated Petrophysics - How to Use Special Core Analysis with Modern Logs / IPSCAL (PPH31)
Integrated Petrophysics - Quick Look Techniques (PPH06)
Integrated Petrophysics for Carbonate & Fractured Reservoirs - A Roadmap / IPCFR (PPH03)
Integrated Petrophysics for Laminated and Low Resistivity Reservoirs / IPLAM (PPH35)
Integrated Petrophysics for Reservoir Characterisation / IPRC (PPH02)
Integrated Reservoir Geology Field Trip: Reservoir Characterisation of Fluvial, Estuarine & Deltaic Deposits in Modern and Ancient Environments, SW France & Spanish Pyrenees (FTP09)
Integrated Reservoir Management (PBM50)
Integrated Reservoir Studies: The Project Management Approach (PBM07)
Integrated Stratigraphic Methods (GEO57)
Integration of Oil & Gas Infrastructure for the Energy Transition (FAC14)
International Natural Gas Business - Market Entry Strategy and Commercial Contract Conception (PBM13)
International Oil & Gas Exploitation Contracts (CON03)
Introduction to Artificial Neural Network (PRE40)
Introduction to Completion Design (DRI16)
Introduction to Drilling Engineering (DRI20)
Introduction to Drilling, Completion and Workover Operations (DRI35)
Introduction to Energy Transition (ETR10)
Introduction to Gated Development Processes (PBM28)
Introduction to Geomechanics (GEO52)
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (INT01)
Introduction to Production Operations (PRO01)
Introduction to Refining Technologies and Refinery Conception (REF01)
Introduction to Reservoir Characterisation and Modelling (GEO26)
Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry (INT04)
Leadership 4.2 - For a Post-Pandemic, Disrupted World of Hybrid Working (MAN52)
Lean Six Sigma (MAN51)
Management Skills for Excellence - The Essential Toolkit for Managers (MAN26)
Managing HSSE in Projects and Operational Entities (HSE11)
Mastering Finance for Non-Financial Oil & Gas Personnel (FIN04)
Material Management (SCM03)
Metallurgy, Corrosion and Prevention of Failures (FAC13)
Microseismic Monitoring in Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs (GPH41)
Modelling & Managing Uncertainty in the Subsurface (PBM48)
Modern History Matching (RES63)
Modern Project Management (MAN33)
Multiphase Flow Metering (PRO10)
Naturally Fractured Reservoir Modelling and Simulation for the Energy Transition (RES61)
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (GEO55)
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (GEO72)
Negotiation Skills for the Oil & Gas Industry (SSK10)
North Atlantic Margin Petroleum Systems / Morocco (FTP06)
Oil Processing Fundamentals (FAC03)
ONLINE: Advanced Artificial Lift Systems Design, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting (PRE936)
ONLINE: Advanced Coil Tubing And Hydraulic Workover Operations (PRE923)
ONLINE: Advanced Drilling Technologies (DRI914)
ONLINE: Advanced Well Log Interpretation (PPH926)
ONLINE: Advanced Well Testing and Interpretation (RES937)
ONLINE: Alarm Management (HSE919)
ONLINE: Applied Field Development Planning (PBM935)
ONLINE: Applied Machine Learning and Data Science for Upstream Professionals (RES965)
ONLINE: Applied Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques: From Theory to Practical Use (SSK926)
ONLINE: Applied Structural Geology (GEO954)
ONLINE: Artificial Lift Systems Design, Diagnosis, Operations and Optimisation (PRE903)
ONLINE: Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry Level 1 (FIN906)
ONLINE: Basic Drilling Technologies (DRI934)
ONLINE: Basic Reservoir Fluid Properties and Phase Behaviour (RES913)
ONLINE: Basin Analysis and Modelling Workshop (GEO951)
ONLINE: Business Development for Subsurface Decarbonisation Projects (PBM945)
ONLINE: Carbonate Reservoirs (GEO961)
ONLINE: Coiled Tubing Operation and Acid Stimulation (PRE938)
ONLINE: Contracts Strategy & Management (CON902)
ONLINE: Conventional and Unconventional Carbonate Play Types - Influence of Physiographic Setting and Structural Controls (GEO962)
ONLINE: Core Analysis Fundamentals and Technology (RES945)
ONLINE: Data Reconciliation in Flow Metering (PRE941)
ONLINE: Direct GHG Emissions Inventory Compiling for Upstream Oil & Gas (ETR911)
ONLINE: Directional Drilling and Well Placement for High Angle and Complex Wells (DRI937)
ONLINE: Directional, Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling (DRI908)
ONLINE: E&P Technical Service Contract (CON908)
ONLINE: Economic Analysis for Upstream Projects (PBM940)
ONLINE: Emergency Preparedness & Crisis Management (HSE924)
ONLINE: Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals (RES903)
ONLINE: ESP Systems Design and Diagnosis with Prosper (PRE928)
ONLINE: Essentials of Modern Project Management (MAN933)
ONLINE: Evaluating Opportunities for Resource Progression (PBM939)
ONLINE: Exploration & Production Accounting - Level 1 (FIN901)
ONLINE: Exploration & Production Accounting - Level 2 (FIN902)
ONLINE: Exploring Petrophysics in Geothermal Energy for Diverse Professionals (PPH940)
ONLINE: Extended Reach Drilling (DRI939)
ONLINE: Fire & Gas Mapping (HSE918)
ONLINE: Formation Evaluation Principles and Correlations with Core Analysis Data (PPH937)
ONLINE: Functional Safety (HSE917)
ONLINE: Gas Dehydration (FAC910)
ONLINE: Gas Lift Systems Design, Operation and Optimisation (PRE931)
ONLINE: Geodynamics and Structural Styles in Exploration (GEO958)
ONLINE: Geological Storage of CO2: Pick the Right Reservoir (RES971)
ONLINE: Geomechanics for Well Engineers (GEO974)
ONLINE: Geothermal Drilling Technology (DRI913)
ONLINE: Geothermal Engineering (ETR902)
ONLINE: HAZOP Studies (HSE915)
ONLINE: Hydrogen Exploration – Is it a New Game Changer? (ETR906)
ONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics - How to Use Special Core Analysis with Modern Logs / IPSCAL (PPH931)
ONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics - Quick Look Techniques (PPH906)
ONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics for Carbonate & Fractured Reservoirs - A Roadmap / IPCFR (PPH903)
ONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics for Laminated and Low Resistivity Reservoirs / IPLAM (PPH935)
ONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics for Reservoir Characterisation / IPRC (PPH902)
ONLINE: Integrated Stratigraphic Methods (GEO957)
ONLINE: Integration Of Oil & Gas Infrastructure for the Energy Transition (FAC914)
ONLINE: International Freight Forwarding (SCM904)
ONLINE: International Natural Gas Business - Market Entry Strategy and Commercial Contract Conception (PBM913)
ONLINE: International Natural Gas Business - Prices: Developments, Drivers and Forecasts - "The Day after Tomorrow" (PBM34)
ONLINE: Introduction to Energy Transition (ETR910)
ONLINE: Introduction to Geomechanics (GEO952)
ONLINE: Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry (INT908)
ONLINE: Leadership & People Management Skills (MAN902)
ONLINE: Leadership 4.2 - for a Post-Pandemic, Disrupted World of Hybrid Working (MAN952)
ONLINE: Learning from Events (HSE925)
ONLINE: Managing Uncertainty and Risk for Value (PBM938)
ONLINE: Material Management (SCM903)
ONLINE: Metallurgy, Corrosion and Prevention of Failures (FAC913)
ONLINE: Microseismic Monitoring in Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs (GPH941)
ONLINE: Modern History Matching (RES963)
ONLINE: Multiphase Flow Metering (PRO910)
ONLINE: Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (GEO955)
ONLINE: Negotiation Skills for the Oil & Gas Industry (SSK910)
ONLINE: Oil and Gas Industry Essentials (INT909)
ONLINE: Open Hole and LWD Interpretation Principles and Applications (PPH933)
ONLINE: Petroleum Geostatistics - Integrating Data for Reservoir Modelling and Simulation (GEO907)
ONLINE: Practical Methods for Mapping and Interpreting Deep-Water Stratigraphy and Reservoirs (GEO953)
ONLINE: Process Safety (HSE926)
ONLINE: Process Safety Management (HSE914)
ONLINE: Production Engineering (PRE912)
ONLINE: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills - Delivering with Confidence and Impact (SSK954)
ONLINE: Relief & Flare Systems (FAC911)
ONLINE: Reserves and Resources - Assessment and Assurance (PBM932)
ONLINE: Reservoir Appraisal and Field Development (PBM936)
ONLINE: Reservoir Characterisation & Modelling (GEO914)
ONLINE: Reservoir Engineering for Non-Reservoir Engineers (RES901)
ONLINE: Reservoir Management & Monitoring (RES932)
ONLINE: Reservoir Simulation Technologies (RES906)
ONLINE: Respect for Environment (HSE923)
ONLINE: Risk Management (HSE922)
ONLINE: Rock Properties for Reservoir Engineering and Simulation (RES972)
ONLINE: Sand Management and Disposal Program (PRO912)
ONLINE: Shale Reservoir Workshop: Analysing Organic-Rich Tight Shales from Basin- to Nano-Scale (UCR904)
ONLINE: Special Core Analysis (RES948)
ONLINE: Special Core Analysis: Petrophysical Imaging Applications (RES944)
ONLINE: Stimulation Technologies (PRE915)
ONLINE: Stuck Pipe, Design and Operational Practices for Avoidance (DRI936)
ONLINE: Talent Management: Selection and Development of a Performing Team (MAN936)
ONLINE: The H2SE Management System: Fundamentals and Main Elements (HSE921)
ONLINE: Uncertainty and Risk Assessment (PBM933)
ONLINE: Value Engineering - Module 1, following EN12973 and SAVE (MAN948)
ONLINE: Waterflooding: Performance Predictions and Surveillance (RES928)
ONLINE: Well Abandonment (PRE939)
ONLINE: Well Integrity Management for the Well Life Cycle (DRI918)
ONLINE: Well Testing Operations, Interpretation and Design (RES939)
ONLINE: Wireline and LWD Log Quality Control and its Impact on Interpretation (PPH925)
ONLINE: Wireline Formation Testing Operations, Interpretation and Design (RES974)
ONLINE: Workover & Completions (DRI938)
ONLINE: X-mas Trees and Well Heads: Operation and Testing (PRE926)
Open Hole and LWD Interpretation Principles and Applications (PPH33)
Perforation Design and Applications (PRO13)
Petroleum Geochemistry (GEO67)
Petroleum Geology in Field Development and Asset Management (PBM46)
Petroleum Geostatistics - Integrating Data for Reservoir Modelling and Simulation (GEO07)
Petroleum Systems and Play Analysis (GEO45)
Petroleum Systems of North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean (GEO08)
Petrophysics Insights: Interdisciplinary Reservoir Evaluation (PPH39)
Practical Methods for Mapping and Interpreting Deep-Water Stratigraphy and Reservoirs (GEO53)
Practical Training for Real Time Drilling Centre Engineers (DRI50)
Process Safety Management (HSE14)
Production Engineering (PRE12)
Production Operation & Well Intervention (PRE43)
Production Operation Fundamentals (PRE44)
Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certification Preparation - Fostered by Project Management Simulation (MAN31)
Prospect Evaluation, Risks and Volumes (GEO68)
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills - Delivering with Confidence and Impact (SSK54)
Purchasing & Procurement (SCM02)
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation (GPH47)
Rate Transient Analysis and Production Decline Interpretation (RES78)
Relief & Flare Systems (FAC11)
Reserves and Resources - Assessment and Assurance (PBM32)
Reserves Classification and Categorisation (PBM30)
Reservoir Characterisation & Modelling Workshop (GEO14)
Reservoir Engineering for Non-Reservoir Engineers (RES01)
Reservoir Management & Monitoring (RES32)
Reservoir Simulation Technologies (RES06)
Risk Analysis Prospect Evaluation and Exploration Economics (PBM27)
Sand Management and Disposal Program (PRO12)
Seismic Acquisition and Processing - From Basics to Modern Concepts (GPH07)
Seismic Interpretation Fundamentals (GPH43)
Seismic Stratigraphy (GPH49)
Selecting Optimal Development Concepts (PBM29)
Shale Reservoir Workshop: Analysing Organic-Rich Tight Shales from Basin- to Nano-Scale (UCR04)
Shallow Water Reservoir Characterisation in the Modern-Day Environments of the Gironde Estuary and Aquitaine Basin / SW France (FTP02)
Special Core Analysis (RES48)
Special Core Analysis: Petrophysical Imaging Applications (RES44)
Stimulation Technologies (PRE15)
Strategy Execution: Theory & Practice (MAN50)
Structural Geology, Stratigraphic Architecture and Trap Styles of Sicily FTB - A Multidisciplinary Approach on the Field / Sicily, Italy (FTP07)
Stuck Pipe Prevention & Fishing for Rig Workover (Well Services) (DRI53)
Stuck Pipe, Design and Operational Practices for Avoidance (DRI36)
Success in Multicultural Teams (SSK52)
Supply Chain in Upstream: Logistics (SCM05)
Swiss Island® - An Interactive and Tangible (Agile) Project Management Simulation (MAN35)
Talent Management: Selection and Development of a Performing Team (MAN36)
Technical Writing (SSK59)
The E&P Project Contract - EPC Contract (CON07)
The E&P Technical Services Contract (CON08)
The Senior Management Program: Developing Leadership Capacity (MAN30)
Train the Trainer (SSK60)
Tubular Design and Selection (DRI52)
Turnaround Management (MAN42)
Uncertainty and Risk Assessment (PBM33)
Underground Hydrogen Storage – Storage Principles and Operations (ETR03)
Value Engineering (MAN48)
Waterflooding: Performance Predictions and Surveillance (RES28)
Well Abandonment (PRE39)
Well Completion Design for Reservoirs with Sanding Problems (PRO11)
Well Design & Engineering (DRI45)
Well Integrity Management for the Well Life Cycle (DRI18)
Well Integrity Technologies (PRE17)
Well Stimulation Technologies (PRE34)
Well Testing Operations, Interpretation and Design (RES39)
Wellsite Geology & Operations (GEO71)
Wireline and LWD Log Quality Control and its Impact on Interpretation (PPH25)
Wireline Formation Testing Operations, Interpretation and Design (RES74)
Workover & Completions (DRI38)
X-mas Trees and Wellheads: Operation and Testing (PRE26)

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