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CCS for Reservoir Engineers (RES75)

  • 10-13 March 20254 daysVienna, AustriaCourse Fee: 3950 EUR + VAT


Carbon Capture and Geological Storage (CCS) will play a critical role in the portfolio of energy companies to meet climate goals and reach net-zero by 2050. It is seen as one method to mitigate atmospheric CO2 concentrations while using fossil fuels in the energy system. For CCS to become a viable option for carbon reduction strategies, several challenges must be overcome. Among them, the geologic storage of CO2 is a key technology.
The objective of this course is to discuss and present the required reservoir engineering skills for safe and effective storage of CO2 in the subsurface geologic formations. Focus is given on depleted hydrocarbon fields and deep saline aquifers as these types of underground storage are becoming mature technologies soon.
The course will cover relevant regulatory frameworks, fluid properties of CO2 and data collection, but the main focus will be on reservoir engineering methods during static and dynamic modelling as well as risk assessment based on the three driving pillars: (a) injectivity, (b) capacity, and (c) containment of carbon dioxide.

COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS: MS Office (Excel, Word and Powerpoint)
Participants are welcome to bring their own laptops to class.

Course Level: Skill
Instructor: Leonhard Ganzer

Designed for you, if you are...

  • A petroleum engineer or reservoir engineer with some experience in the field and some basic knowledge about CCS

How we build your confidence

The theoretical and practical aspects of CO2 injection and storage in the subsurface are discussed in a group setting, along with examples and case histories. You will be encouraged to engage in discussions based on your experience.
Videos and calculations will strengthen your understanding of the theoretical and operational principles. Working on examples will support the learning experience.

The benefits from attending

By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:
  • The concepts and principles of safe underground storage of CO2 during CCS projects
  • The importance of injectivity, capacity and containment concepts during storage of CO2 in geologic formation
  • The potential fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions during CO2 storage in the geological subsurface
  • The relevant adjustments to classical reservoir engineering methods required for CCS projects
  • The requirements by mining laws/authorities for safe storage


  • Introduction to CCS / geological storage of CO2
  • Overview of regulatory frameworks
  • PVT properties of CO2 and reservoir fluids
  • Relevant rock properties (rock mechanics, fluid transport) and rock/fluid interactions
  • Site screening and selection
  • Modelling aspects of storage complex
  • Flow of CO2 in wells and near-well region (injectivity)
  • Storage capacity calculation and coupled dynamic modelling during injection operation
  • Containment and monitoring methods during closure period
  • Discussion of field case experiences

Customer Feedback

"The course is very informative and provided great insights on the ongoing CCS projects as well as new initiatives worldwide." - Petroleum Engineer at Saudi Aramco

"Excellent! Instructor is very knowledgeable and well-rounded. I learned a lot about CCS and beyond, into simulations, EoS, geomechanics, .. Many thanks!" - Petroleum Engineer at Saudi Aramco

"It gave a fantastic perspective of evolving CO2 landscape across continents." - Lead Geologist (CO2 storage) at Saudi Aramco

"The course highlights the difference between E&P industry and CO2 storage." - Snr. Reservoir Engineer at Wintershall Dea

"I liked the way the instructor provided the information in this new domain of CCS." - Reservoir Geologist at Wintershall Dea

"Focus on RE with a good amoung of general topics." - Reservoir Engineer at Wintershall Dea



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