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ONLINE: Basin Analysis and Modelling Workshop (GEO951)


    This online workshop provides hands-on experience of basin modelling to assess source rock maturity, phaser and charge.
    Using the Novva™ software to build 1D basin models, the course provides practical experience of analysing a range of geological and geochemical data from a typical sedimentary basin, and aims at honing your analytical skills to evaluate petroleum systems and their hydrocarbon potential.

    This online course integrates lectures with a workshop to reinforce concepts and teach practical applications in a working environment.

    Course Structure: 5 sessions of approx. 5 hours each, delivered over 5 days
    Each day will consist of 5 modules of 45 minutes, followed by a 15 min break
    (approximately 4 hours online tuition per day, plus breaks)

    Course Level: Skill / Advanced
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Jonathan Redfern and James Armstrong

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • An exploration or new ventures geologist
    • A geophysicist

    Intermediate to advanced geological knowledge is assumed. Introductory experience is required, with knowledge of petroleum geology basics as well as seismic and well log interpretation experience.

    How we build your confidence

    • The course builds techniques to evaluate the petroleum systems and develop plays, leads and prospects, source rock studies and basin modelling, and evaluating the potential plays by mapping using gross depositional evaluation (GDE) maps and developing common risk segment (CRS) maps.
    • Emphasis is placed on practical interpretation of data for play analysis, with coursework designed to reinforce the theory lectures and provide access to a variety of data types.

    The benefits from attending

    The course initially reviews the important control that basin formation and mechanisms have on the petroleum system, examining subsidence, heat flow, structural style, evolution and sedimentation. Global examples of typical basin types are discussed with emphasis on the impact that basin style and sedimentation have on the hydrocarbon habitat and prospectivity. Within each basin, depositional systems are reviewed, with emphasis of the control on heat flow, source distribution and migration.
    This is followed by a review of source rocks and geochemical data as input for basin modelling. Typical datasets are presented, examining data collection, interpretation and quality control. A number of case studies are presented, followed by a full day workshop where participants get hands-on experience of building a 1D basin model. Finally more 3D models are discussed and the integration of the results in a petroleum systems model. We examine gross depositional element models (GDE) and common risk segment (CRS) mapping.

    By the end of the course participants will be able to undertake their own 1D basin models and be aware of data requirements, calibration and uncertainties.


    During the course, lectures and practical exercises are used to teach techniques to evaluate the basin type and interpretation of seismic and well log data. These cover the fundamentals of stratigraphy, seismic facies analysis and an introduction to basin modelling.

    Techniques of Analysis:
    • Basin style and evolution
    • Subsidence history
    • Source rocks and geochemical data
    • 1D basin modelling
    • Building plays and learning from global analogues
    • Gross Depositional Element Mapping
    • Common Risk Segment Mapping

    Running parallel with the lectures and practical, the participants will work in groups to evaluate a dataset for a petroleum basin. This will include:
    • Example dataset from SE Asia (Malay Basin)
    • Evaluating geochemical data to assess source rock type, maturity and richness
    • Using typical basin modelling software (Novva Software from Sirius Exploration by Waples) to produce 1D maturation profiles for wells and pseudo wells
    • The fundamental methodology and input common to all modelling software currently in use (BasinMod, PetroMod, Trinity etc.)
    • Constructing burial history plots
    • Assessing unconformities
    • Defining thermal history
    • Calibration data and input data to models
    • Developing GDE and CRS Maps
    • Presentation of results

    Customer Feedback

    "The course materials were absolutely brilliant! I am not a basin modeller by background, but the contents relating to basins across the world really excited me. I think this might be the best course I have taken." - Sr. Geomodeller at ADNOC

    "As I am Geochemist, it was really to the point." - Sr. Geochemist at ADNOC

    "High experience of instructors and good delivery of difficult information to understand easily when presented." - Geologist at PTTEP

    "Good modelling software that integrates all data / information." - Sr. Geophysicist at PTTEP



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