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Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (GEO55)


    This course introduces basic geologic and engineering concepts, methodology and technology used to characterise, evaluate and manage naturally fractured reservoirs, with their limitations and constraints. It helps answering and understanding questions related to fractured reservoir performance during drilling, production and field development: What are the factors that control fractures behavior under activities of drilling, production and depletion? What are the impacts of such fractures on the reservoir development plans? How can we develop and optimise those reservoirs to enhance oil and gas recovery?
    Case studies will be provided to demonstrate the importance of integrated geologic and engineering aspects in developing effective, economical reservoir management strategies for different types of reservoirs.

    Course Level: Advanced
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Manhal Sirat

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A geoscientist or engineer interested in a multi-disciplinary approach with basic geological and reservoir engineering experience

    How we build your confidence

    • Theoretical concepts illustrated during individual sessions are accompanied by working on practical problems to ensure a thorough understanding of the principles and procedures
    • Hands-on experience by solving classical structural geology tasks

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:

    • Recognition, characterisation and prediction of subsurface natural fracture occurrence with their attributes from cores, well logs, seismic and drilling data
    • Fractured rock properties affecting reservoir performance
    • Fractures sensitivity to in-situ stresses
    • Design and analysis of pressure transient tests
    • Reservoir performance evaluation
    • The most appropriate fluid-flow numerical simulation modelling
    • Application of coupled geomechanics/fluid-flow behavior
    • The impact of natural fractures on hydraulic fracture stimulation


    • Introduction: fractures and NFR terminology and attributes
    • Workflow for characterisation using both static and dynamic data
    • Recognition and characterisation of fractures from well logs, cores to seismic and drilling data
    • Fractures types, faults, seals and kinematics
    • Stress and strain and fracture mechanics
    • Fracture interrelationship with in-situ stresses
    • NFRs and fracture flow
    • Building conceptual models for NFR
    • Appropriate NFR modelling; discrete, continuous and geomechanical models
    • Impact of fractures on flow behavior; reservoir permeability, anisotropy, drainage area and water-flood sweep efficiency
    • Geomechanical integrated approach
    • 1D and 3D MEM (Mechanical Earth Model)
    • Implications and case studies



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