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Relief & Flare Systems (FAC11)


    The course covers relief, flare and vent systems design. It describes why specific equipment like separators and heat exchangers require relief protection and how to determine the relief cases for these items. The various elements of the relief system, from relief valves through piping and headers to flare knock out drums and flare tips, are covered as are the methods for determining overall system and peak relief loads.
    The course also covers how plant depressuring systems are configured and some of the specialised design principles such as cold temperatures and acoustic vibration are critical to sound relief system design.

    Course Level: Foundation / Skill
    Duration: 2 days
    Instructor: Phil Tudhope

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A facilities or process engineer, either a graduate or a more experienced technical professional looking to develop theoretical competence in relief and flare system design
    • A safety engineer who seeks to gain competence in the principles and practices of relief and flare system design
    • A project engineer or manager who seeks greater understanding of the principles of sound relief and flare system design
    • An operations engineer looking to deepen your knowledge of the design principles of the plants

    How we build your confidence

    The course links theory to application. It reinforces this through real industry examples and allows participants to practice the theory through worked examples as part of the sessions.
    The course is highly interactive and participants are encouraged to share their own experiences and problems to the benefit of all.

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course you will:

    • Have a good understanding of how relief and depressuring systems are designed.
    • Appreciate the importance of establishing all relief cases that apply and how these are equipment-specific.
    • Know how to determine governing relief cases for the system and how to calculate peak relief system loads.
    • Have an introduction to how staggering and staging depressuring systems can lower peak loads and how important cold temperatures and acoustic vibration are in the system design.
    • Have gained this from seasoned professionals who have been involved directly with relief and flare system design and have real life experiences to offer not just textbook knowledge.


    Relief System Basics, Relief Cases and Relief System Design
    • The need for relief systems
      - Codes & standards
    • The basic relief & flare system
    • Relief & flare system design
      - Relief cases
      - Reverse flow
      - Two phase relief
      - Double jeopardy and common cause failure
      - Pressure vessels
      - Heat exchangers
      - Tanks
      - Pig receivers & launchers
      - Fire relief
      - Peak relief loads
      - Types of relief valves
      - Relief valve sizing
      - Relief device inlet & discharge piping
      - Relief headers
      - Acoustic induced vibration
      - Cold temperatures & cold creep
      - Common system design pitfalls

    Depressuring Systems, Flares and Vents
    • Depressurisation systems
      - Rate of depressurisation
      - Depressuring devices & actuation
      - Segregation & staggering of blowdown
    • Flares
      - Types of flares
      - Flare radiation calculations
      - Ground flares
      - Flare ignition
      - Smokeless flaring
      - Purge gas
      - Flare knockout drums
    • Vents
      - Vent dispersion
    • Flare / vent gas recovery systems



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