Core analysis provides direct engineering measurements of reservoir rock properties for both reserve analyses and recovery prediction. Knowledge of how these measurements are obtained, their uncertainties, and their appropriate application are essential for successful incorporation in reservoir evaluation and simulation. Along with a review of the basic elements for core acquisition, preservation, and sampling, participants will learn the fundamental and advanced techniques for special core analyses. Presented are the procedures and workflow for designing and evaluating the most applicable special core analysis program for a particular stage in field development, reservoir management, or carbon sequestration.
The course progresses from the measurement fundamentals to the evaluation and assessment of the laboratory results and finally the practical application for example simulation studies.
Course Level: Skill
Instructor: Jim Funk
Designed for you, if you are...
- A new or experienced reservoir engineer, petrophysicist, or geologist tasked with planning, performing, monitoring, and using special core analyses for reservoir description, management, carbon capture, or hydrogen storage.
How we build your confidence
An engineering review of the fundamental measurements and physics of special core analyses guides techniques to evaluate and incorporate the experimental results. Participants will gain experience through example measurements incorporated in petrophysical and displacement models for various lithologies. The measurements are used and analysed by the participants as exercises. Open-source software tools and packages are provided to assist with the exercises and for future use.The benefits from attending
Participants will learn the essentials for planning, designing, and evaluating a special core analysis program along with the use and application of its results. You will learn techniques to transform routine measurements to reservoir conditions and how to evaluate and apply the essential measurements and results as critical elements for geo-cellular and reservoir simulation models.Topics
Reservoir Engineering and SCAL- Essential measurements, challenges and engineering impact for conventional, unconventional, and carbon capture
Coring Techniques and SCAL Sample Selection- Coring operations, core types, sizes and limitations
- Core handling procedures and preservation techniques along with non-destructive qualitative and quantitative core characterisation using CT and NMR imaging tools
- Use and quality control of routine and advanced tests for reservoir characterisation, zonation and special core analysis sample selection
SCAL Methods for Reserve Calculations and Reservoir Model Initialisation- Saturation and saturation height functions from resistivity, dielectric, nuclear magnetic resonance and capillary pressure measurements
- Wettability and its impact on reserves and displacement
SCAL Methods for Reservoir Recovery- Displacement fundamentals, dimensionless numbers, and models
- Steady-state, unsteady-state and centrifuge techniques
- Water-oil relative permeability
- Quality assessment and control of procedures, raw results and reports
- Evaluation and check on numerical techniques used to convert raw data to relative permeability
- Relative permeability hysteresis
- Selecting, refining and grouping results for simulator input - Gas-oil relative permeability
- Critical gas saturation and retrograde considerations
- Gravity drainage and method choice - Three phase relative permeability
- Measurement and modelling techniques
- Validation and correlation of results
SCAL Methods for Geochemical and Reactive Transport Models- Experimental procedures and analyses for geochemical equilibrium
- Miscible displacement and gas/water/rock interactions
- Carbon capture and Hydrogen storage-specific tests
- Seal integrity and sensitivity
- Dispersion, Diffusion, and Dimensionless Numbers
- Gas-water relative permeability and reactive transport models
- Simulation input and examples studies for carbonates and sandstone
Reservoir Characterisation and Residual Saturations- Geological, petrophysical and upscaled rock types for relative permeability assignment
- Heterogeneity grouping of residual saturations and recovery efficiency
- Exercises
- Water-oil and gas-oil relative permeability refinement and model comparisons
- Simulation sensitivity examples carbonates and sandstones
Specialized SCAL Methods- Introduction to Digital Rock methods
- AI techniques for SCAL