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Cementing Technologies (DRI30)

  • 22-26 September 20245 daysTripoli, LibyaCourse Fee: 3600 EUR


Cementing operations are critical for well life as they constitute the foundations of any gas or oil well. Well Integrity is compromised, unless efficient cementing operations are carried out in every casing job. Like the foundations of a house, cementing is the basis for an efficient well performance.

Course Level: Skill
Instructor: Cipriano Costa

Designed for you, if you are...

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals:
  • Cementing Operators and Supervisors
  • Petroleum Engineers
  • Production Engineers
  • Drilling Engineers
  • Completion Engineers
  • Oil Field Technical Staff

How we build your confidence

  • Instructor-led delivery focusing both on theoretical concepts and practical onsite experience
  • Animation and videos on relevant issues
  • Examples of cement logs will be presented for interpretation
  • Daily recap sessions

The benefits from attending

By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:
  • Special Cement Systems
  • Calculating volumes of cement, mix water and additives
  • Critical parameters for any cementing operation
  • Displacement rates for effective mud removal
  • Selecting the proper additives based on well conditions
  • Selecting casing hardware for successful cementing operations
  • Interpretation of Cement Bond Logs


Cementing Operations Introduction
  • Course introduction
  • Reasons for cementing a well
  • Major API cement classes and characteristics of each one
  • Primary and secondary cementing
  • Zonal isolation in extended reach wells
  • Cement transporting, storage and handling equipment

Cementing Equipment and Additives
  • Surface and downhole equipment used in oil well cementing
  • Different types and grades of casings
  • Cementing additives: explain the function of the cementing additives
  • Design a slurry
  • Cement systems for HTHP wells
  • Some techniques to control gas

Cement Placement and Mud Removal
  • Cement design
  • Mud removal and the effect of mud contamination on compressive strength
  • Sequence of operations in a “standard” cementing job
  • Two stage / multi stage cement jobs
  • Cement composition testing in lab before the job
  • SAP pressures caused by poor cementing

Cement Quality Evaluation
  • Cement evaluation tools
  • Examples and interpretation of logs
  • Safety hazards related to a cementing operation
  • Video: “Deep Water Horizon” (investigation and lessons learned)

Designing a Slurry from Scratch
  • Primary cementing calculations
    - Designing a slurry taking in consideration the real well conditions
    - Volume of cement slurry, number of Sks, mix water, additives, displacement volumes required
  • Lab tests required



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