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ONLINE: Stimulation Technologies (PRE915)


    This course covers the main aspects of acid stimulation techniques. The course focuses both on theoretical concepts and practical onsite experience.
    Acidizing with coiled tubing will be also discussed in detail, due to its importance in acid placement and formation treatments.

    Course Level: Skill
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Antonio Abreu

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A petroleum engineer
    • A production engineer or manager
    • A development geologist
    • A field engineer or manager
    • Oil field technical staff

    How we build your confidence

    • The course will be presented using properly designed slides, some with animation and several videos on relevant issues
    • Teaching methods also include calculations on related issues.
    • Several examples of actual Stimulation Programs will be presented.
    • Daily Recap sessions with questionnaires related to the program of the previous day.

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:

    • Skin damage monitoring
    • Selection of additives
    • Designing a stimulation job.
    • Main parameters and KPI's for a successful stimulation operation.
    • Coiled tubing and stimulation


    • Introduction to stimulation operations
    • Formation damage mechanisms and their identification
    • Brainstorming on skin damage
    • Acids reactions and their selection for carbonates and sandstones
    • Acids and additives used in matrix stimulation
    • Candidate well selection
    • Acid treatment design
    • Acid placement and diverting technologies
    • Acid displacement and flow back
    • Laboratory tests
    • Acid fracturing design basics
    • HSE and acidizing operations
    • Safety & quality assurance
    • Well Integrity Principles
    • Coiled Tubing and its importance in stimulation operations



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