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Horizontal Well Technology: Production and Reservoir Engineering (RES70)

  • 3-7 November 20245 daysTripoli, LibyaCourse Fee: 3600 EUR


Design and completion of horizontal and multi-lateral wells become important in field development and re-development opportunities. When designed properly horizontal wells can improve the economics and field development operations significantly.
In this course the horizontal well applications and benefits are analysed. Methods to predict well performances, productivity and drainage areas with integrated reservoir models are presented. The process of candidate screening and selection considering geological, reservoir, and production characteristics as well as constraints on drilling and completion options are summarized. The removal of damage and improvement of production by well stimulation (multistage hydraulic fracturing and matrix acidizing) is evaluated. The elements of risk and uncertainty are also highlighted to discuss the risk mitigation plans at initial design stage.

Course Level: Skill
Instructor: Emina Buket Ulker

Designed for you, if you are...

  • A geologist, reservoir engineer, production and completion engineer
  • A development, asset or project manager

How we build your confidence

  • Power point presentations
  • Interactive exercises and discussion
  • Practical exercises on real field data to be solved with software (if available) or analytically
  • Q&A

The benefits from attending

By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:

  • Identifying the application of horizontal wells, intelligent completions from geological and reservoir characterization
  • Data surveillance for horizontal well production optimisation
  • Integrated reservoir modelling to predict the horizontal well performances
  • Formation Damage: Diagnosis, removal, and prevention
  • Evaluation of formation damage and analysing the effect of well completion in well performances
  • Evaluation of well stimulation treatments, including multi-stage fractured horizontal well performance and matrix acidizing results; advantages and challenges
  • Minimising technical and economic risks with intelligent well concept, design, and field applications


  • Horizontal well applications: Technical and economic benefits of advanced well systems
  • Formation damage in horizontal wells
  • Well completion and combined effect of completion and damage on well performances
  • Improvement of well productivity and removal of damage by well stimulation
  • Optimal well stimulation design
  • Data acquisition and surveillance: Well testing and PTA, reservoir characterisation from production analysis, reservoir simulation constraints
  • Optional (day 6): Commingled production and cross flow in multi-lateral wells



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