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Carbonate Reservoirs (GEO61)


    This course takes a detailed look at carbonate rocks and the sediments that make up these rocks, and examines concepts and models of diagenetic changes in carbonates.

    COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS: Internet Access, MS Office (Excel, Word and Powerpoint)
    Participants are welcome to bring their own laptops to class.

    Course Level: Foundation / Skill
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Simonetta Cirilli

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A professional in sedimentary geology and petroleum geology who is currently involved in development or exploration of carbonate reservoirs, e.g. drilling engineer, geologist, geophysicist, reservoir engineer

    How we build your confidence

    • Combination of live instructor-led training, demonstrations, practical exercises and case studies

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:

    • Carbonate facies and how to relate them to the original depositional environment
    • Depositional architectures based on the available data of outcrops and well logs and how to reconstruct the depositional scenarios in time and space
    • How to reconstruct and correlate at small and large scale the sedimentary sequences
    • How to extrapolate from the available data of outcrops (surficial analogous) the subsurface geology
    • How to link the acquired knowledge to the exploration petroleum geology


    • Rock cycle and sedimentary rocks
    • Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks
    • Main textural constituents
    • Recognition and classification
    • Carbonate sedimentary rocks
    • Main constituents of carbonate rocks
    • Recognition and classification
    • Exercise: recognition , description and classification of hand samples and thin section under microscope (if possible);
    • Facies and subsurface facies analysis
    • Fundamental of stratigraphy
    • Sediment transport, depositional processes and structures.
    • Siliciclastic depositional systems: fluvial, lacustrine, eolian, tidal.
    • Siliciclastic depositional systems: deltaic and deep marine environments.
    • Turbidite deposits
    • Exercise: Time and space evolution of siliciclastic systems and implication on petroleum geology.
    • Shallow marine carbonate depositional setting
    • Carbonate platforms and ramps: introduction and facies distribution
    • Attached, not attached, rimmed, not rimmed carbonate platforms
    • Carbonate and mixed siliciclastic – carbonate ramps
    • Slope depositional environments and facies distribution:
    • Depositional and by pass margins
    • Basins and anoxic basins
    • Time and space evolution of shallow water carbonate platform-basin systems and implication on petroleum geology.
    • Exercise: Depositional environments reconstruction and prediction of the deposits geometry by recognition structures, facies and stratigraphic relations.

    Customer Feedback

    "Easy to follow the instructions. Excellent tutoring skills. Relatable information to the day-to-day job. Recommend course for geoscientsts." - Geologist at Qatar Petroleum

    "The instructor was able to embed the informative lectures through useful exercises." - Geologist at Qatar Petroleum



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