Skyrocket Your Skills

with top courses on reservoir engineering, geology, CCUS, and much more!

Group of adult course participants / © iStockPhoto

5 stars

“This is the best petrophysics course ever!”

– Senior Petrophysicist at CCED, about the course “Integrated Petrophysics for Reservoir Characterisation”

World-Class Training for the Energy Industry

We are a multi-award winning training provider of upstream oil & gas and energy transition training solutions. We pride ourselves in delivering excellence with each and every course session: Quality is always at the core of what we do.

Our top-notch courses, developed and taught exclusively by true experts, have been valued by the industry for 35+ years. Our training sessions equip our clients with powerful skills to remain competitive in an increasingly complex petroleum industry. We accelerate careers and empower people, striving to achieve the best possible results.

Our training portfolio covers all stages of the E&P value chain and is continuously updated at a rapid pace with courses related to the energy transition. Browse our course delivery options below:

Options of Course Delivery

Public courses: A group of adult students

Our top-notch, cutting-edge industry courses propel you towards success! HOT’s 100+ engaging public courses are delivered face-to-face in a classroom setting and cover the entire upstream value chain. They are scheduled in convenient and attractive locations across the globe. Led by instructors who are true experts in their respective fields, our courses are guaranteed to provide you with a wealth of new knowledge and solid skills to build upon.

An instructor explaining a concept to 4 students

If your company has a number of employees to train, then HOT’s in-house courses are the ideal solution. Our instructors bring their expertise directly to a location that’s most convenient for you! Save time, resources, and money: Your staff won’t require expensive air tickets and accommodation – thus, in-house courses present a compelling and affordable option for training your teams.

Girl attending a live VILT course

Virtual instructor-led training is a convenient and effective solution: Courses are delivered live online. The engaging material is presented by our experts, and participants will be able to interact with them and their course colleagues just like in a traditional classroom setting – but without having to travel anywhere! Webinars are based on the same principle but are shorter because they usually focus on one specific topic.

Girl working on laptop

The “Anytime, Anywhere” solution for busy professionals on the go! Access online petroleum courses from wherever you are: The short, bite-size video modules are available 24/7 on any device and fit with ease into even the busiest schedule. Earn digital badges for skills and competency sets in production and reservoir engineering, and receive digital certificates upon completion!

Courses by Discipline

Technical Courses
Planet Earth in the shape of a marble / © iStockPhoto

Discover our rapidly expanding energy transition course portfolio, revolutionising the future of sustainable energy! Explore ground-breaking topics like carbon capture, hydrogen technologies, and geothermal drilling. Let our courses empower you to not only meet, but master today’s complex challenges, and skilfully shape tomorrow’s energy landscape!
>Public sessions on energy transition and renewables
> All energy transition courses

Silhouettes of 2 workers against horsehead oil pumps

HOT’s introductory and cross-training courses are ideal for those who are new to the petroleum industry or are transitioning to a different discipline. These courses cover every fundamental aspect of the upstream oil and gas sector, from a general, comprehensive introduction to the industry to foundation-level courses in petrophysics, drilling, geoscience, refining, production operations, petroleum facilities, petroleum economics and reservoir engineering.
> E-learning courses
> Public foundation course sessions
> All foundation courses

Geological rock formation and water

Whether your focus is on geoscience, play assessment, reservoir characterisation, deep-water reservoirs or operations geology, our courses cover the whole spectrum of essential geology topics.
> Public geology sessions
> All geology courses

A group of students analysing a rock formation during a field trip

HOT’s geological field trips offer a whole new level of learning. See those rock formations and geological features you’ve only been reading about, real and up close! Our field trips are one of the best ways to visualise what you have been studying.
>Public field trips
> All field trips

Petrophysical logs

HOT’s highly popular petrophysics courses encompass a large range of topics. Learn everything you always wanted to know about petrophysics – from the fundamentals of log interpretation, to log quality and its impact on interpretation, to quick-look techniques, and much, much more.
> Public petrophysics sessions
> All petrophysics courses

Reservoir model

Gain vital know-how with HOT’s multitude of reservoir engineering courses. Our extensive portfolio of reservoir engineering courses cover all skill levels and major subjects in reservoir characterisation, reservoir modelling & reservoir simulation, reservoir management, and enhanced oil recovery (EOR).
> E-learning courses
> Public reservoir engineering sessions
> All reservoir engineering courses

Pipes at an oil field

If your profession revolves around production engineering or production operations, you are sure to find a suitable course to acquire new insights and advance your skills. Choose from a wide variety of courses on artificial lift, surface facilities, and well completions & production operations.
> E-learning courses
> Public production engineering sessions
> All production engineering courses

A drilling rig seen from below

Drilling technologies and wellbore construction are integral components of the drilling sector. Your job may revolve around extended reach drilling, geosteering, stuck pipe, or cementing… the list goes on. HOT’s course portfolio offers the ideal training solution for you. Check out our drilling progression matrix to select the course that’s right for you, and join our upcoming public sessions.
> Public drilling sessions
> All drilling courses

Silhouette of a rig worker on an offshore platform

HOT’s portfolio covers the spectrum of petroleum facilities courses, from the fundamentals of oil & gas production, to gas dehydration, oil processing fundamentals, gas processing technologies, and relief & flare systems.
> Public petroleum facilities sessions
> All petroleum facilities courses

Bright lights of a refinery seen against a dark blue evening sky

Broaden and deepen your refining knowledge! Our course portfolio lays a solid foundation for your refinery knowledge base. Topics range from main refinery processes to oil refining and related technologies, plus much more, providing you with substantial expertise.
> Public refining sessions
> All refining courses

2 petroleum workers discussing a document against a background of horsehead pumps.

HSE plays a pivotal role in the oil & gas industry. Identifying and mitigating hazards, developing guidelines and maintaining best practices all improve the level of safety in a given workplace and ensure that the risk for accidents is minimised. Join our public HSE courses to find out how you can optimise operational processes, protect workers’ health and wellbeing, and heighten occupational safety.
> Public HSE sessions
> All HSE courses

A sheet of paper with crude price data

Your line of work in petroleum business management is actively involved in the financial, contractual, administrative and planning aspects of your company? Discover HOT’s business management courses to excel!
> Virtual instructor-led training (VILT)
> Public petroleum business management sessions
> All petroleum business management courses

Shale rock

Unconventional resources offer significant potential, but extracting them can also present unique challenges. To be fully prepared to meet them, HOT offers a number of indispensable courses.
> Public unconventional resources sessions
> All unconventional resources courses

Are you looking for a specific topic, or are you interested in training a group of employees?

HOT offers customised training, tailored to client requirements.

In-house training group

Flexible course content to fit your company’s needs.
Contact us for in-house / customised training solutions:

Non-Technical Courses
A group of business men and women

A famous quote by John Maxwell goes, “A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”. HOT supports you in finding the most effective way to lead your team and achieve optimum results. Join our courses:
> Public management & leadership sessions
> All management & leadership courses

A man signing documents

From auditing, to contracting, to E&P accounting, HOT’s finance & contracting course portfolio equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills so you can capably address even the most complex topics.
> Public finance & contracting sessions
> All finance & contracting courses

Different supply transportation methods: A truck, a plane, several cargo containers

Our supply chain management (SCM) portfolio encompasses courses on purchasing & procurement, material management, transit & shipping, HSSE in logistic operations, and the upstream supply chain. These courses are currently available in-house.
> All supply chain management courses

A business man and business woman discussing data on a laptop

How strong are your negotiation skills or ability to communicate clearly? Does your business writing need a bit of polishing, or do you have a multicultural team you are aiming to lead in the most effective way possible? HOT’s soft skills courses give you the winning edge and set you up for success.
> Public soft skills course sessions
> All soft skills courses

E-Learning: HOT offers petroleum online courses!


Even if you are experiencing travel restrictions or don’t have the time to travel to public courses, you don’t have to miss out on training. We have a cost-effective, convenient and efficient solution for you: Online petroleum courses!

The online course platform offers you:

  • Bite-sized videos
  • Modules tailored especially to oil & gas professionals
  • 24/7 access to the platform
  • Digital certificates upon course completion


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HOT Engineering GmbH   Tel: +43 3842 43 0 53-0   Fax +43 3842 43 0 53-1