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ONLINE: Advanced Well Log Interpretation (PPH926)


    This interactive, applications-driven course will highlight the techniques and principles of advanced well log interpretation. Participants will learn the main uses and limitations of advanced logging tools as well as their interpretation and get to perform a complex lithology formation evaluation.

    The course will explore the tools response explained from their physical principles as well as their relationship with the rock and fluid properties; most existing open hole logging technologies will be covered explaining their main applications and limitations. Advanced interpretation methods will be discussed with numerous examples and exercises including complex lithology interpretation techniques. At the end of the course we will hold a mini-workshop on optimum logging program selection based on minimum set of logs needed for a proper evaluation, company budget and tools’ limitations.

    This training course will feature:
    • Discussions on tools physical principles and applications
    • Tool limitations on different borehole environments
    • Tips and examples to identify and understand common logging issues
    • Explanation of petrophysical concepts and techniques for advanced formation evaluation
    • Application of interpretation methods in several examples and exercises

    Course Structure: 5 modules of max. 4 hours each, delivered over 5 days
    Each day will consist of 1 module which will be no more than 4 hours in length with ample time for delegates to break for refreshments.

    Course Level: Advanced
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Angel Meso

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • An engineer in the exploration and production department
    • A geologist, geophysicist or petrophysicist
    • A petroleum, reservoir or drilling engineer
    • In general, any oil & gas industry professional who is involved in logging data interpretation and validation

    How we build your confidence

    This training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented, the sessions will include visual, auditory and kinesthetic elements to cover the three different learning modalities. The daily sessions will be highly interactive and participative. This involves regular discussion of applications as well as hands-on exercises that will be solved manually and/or using Microsoft Excel.

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course you will be able to:

    • Understand the physical principles of most existing open hole logging tools
    • Know the main applications and limitations of the different tool readings
    • Understand the uses of advanced logging tools in complex lithology interpretation
    • Perform a quantitative formation evaluation on a complex lithology


    Basic Concepts Review and Resistivity Tools
    • Petrophysics concepts review
    • Introduction to well logging
    • Log classification according to the measured properties
    • Auxiliary measurements, uses and common issues
    • Basic measurements: Gamma ray and spontaneous potential
    • Resistivity theory, principles and applications of laterologs
    • Advanced laterolog logging tools: array and azimuthal
    • Microresistivity devices, principles and applications

    Conductivity and Nuclear Logging Tools
    • Conductivity tools, uses and limitations
    • LWD resistivity determination tools
    • Advanced induction logging tools, 3D induction
    • RT and invasion profile determination
    • Formation density tools, principles and applications
    • The photoelectric factor, a key lithology indicator
    • Neutron tools principles and applications
    • Porosity determination from density and neutron logs
    • LWD nuclear logging tools
    • Lithology determination, calibrations and log quality control parameters

    Acoustic and Geological Logging Tools
    • Basic sonic tools, borehole compensation
    • Dipole sonic tools, applications
    • Mechanical properties determination and uses
    • Sonic scanner principles and applications
    • Common sonic issues in the borehole
    • LWD acoustic tools
    • Dipmeter interpretation principles
    • Geological image logging tools
    • Structural and stratigraphic interpretation principles
    • Open, partially open and healed fractures interpretation
    • Faults and unconformities interpretation examples
    • Facies analysis for reservoir characterisation with image logs
    • Ultrasonic logging tools

    Advanced Logging Tools and Introduction to Formation Evaluation
    • Nuclear magnetic resonance, principles and applications
    • Relaxation mechanisms and their association with fluid and rock properties
    • Porosity, irreducible water saturation and permeability determination
    • Advanced fluid determination methods: 3D map T1-T2-difussion
    • Dielectric tools principles and applications
    • Saturation determination parameters, m, n and CEC
    • Geochemical logging tools
    • Complex lithology evaluation examples
    • Formation evaluation principles
    • Rw determination methods
    • Crossplots utilisation, Hingle and Pickett plots
    • Graphical interpretation techniques for porosity and lithology

    Complex Lithology Evaluation and Formation Testers
    • Saturation determination equations and techniques
    • Complete formation evaluation for complex lithology
    • Reservoir pressure determination tools
    • Pre-test interpretation
    • Lost seal, dry tests and supercharging
    • Pressure gradient interpretation
    • Fluid sampling, optical and composition fluid analysers
    • Advanced probes for special well and reservoir conditions
    • Permeability determination

    Customer Feedback

    "I liked the trainer's way of explaining by using practical material and examples." - Wellsite Geologist at Dragon Oil

    "The content of the course is very useful." - Operations Geologist at Dragon Oil



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