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Oil Processing Fundamentals (FAC03)


    This course provides an in-depth introduction into the principles of crude oil processing, storage and handling in upstream facilities. Conventional technologies are discussed as well as surface facilities for IOR and EOR applications.

    Course Level: Skill
    Duration: 4 days
    Instructor: Eduardo Perez or Bogdan Buzatoiu

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A reservoir engineer, production engineer or process engineer, seeking deeper understanding of oil processing and handling
    • In need of a refresher course on state-of-the-art processing technologies for crude oil, water and associated gas

    How we build your confidence

    • Explanation of all commonly used oil processing steps and technologies as well as rarely applied niche market solutions
    • Case studies based on existing facilities world wide
    • Outlining of the engineering path from the analysis of well fluids to the development of oil processing schemes
    • Drafting exercises of process schemes for typical oil production facilities

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:

    • Well fluid composition and oil and gas qualities
    • How to determine involved technologies based on well fluid characteristics
    • How to cope with sour service and related operations
    • Processing schemes for various crude types and associated water and gas
    • How to sketch preliminary processing charts for various crude types, including utility systems


    • Basic introduction to carbohydrate chemistry and crude oil formation
    • Types of reservoirs and related production technologies
    • Typical crude oil characteristics and sales qualities
    • Relevant technologies of oil processing surface facilities, broken down into:
      - Well equipment
      - Gathering systems
      - 3-Phase-separation facilities
      - 2-Phase-seperation facilities
      - Demulsifiers, heater-treaters, etc.
      - Oil stabilisation columns and LPG recovery
      - By-product stabilisation and use/disposal
      - Metering systems
      - Crude oil storage
      - Crude oil loading and unloading facilities
      - Crude oil transportation
      - Utility requirements
    • Outlook into oil sands processing facilities
    • Process engineering introduction and technology selection



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