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Subsurface CO2 Sequestration (RES73)


    This course will develop your understanding of the fundamentals of subsurface CO2 sequestration or CO2 storage in saline aquifers, depleted or producing hydrocarbon reservoirs and methane coalbed seams.
    It provides you with scientific principles and mathematical tools to help in the design and selection of subsurface CO2 sequestration projects as a proposed technical solution to reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by injecting it underground.

    Course Level: Advanced
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Edmond Shtepani

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A reservoir engineer working in CO2 sequestration EOR projects

    How we build your confidence

    This course builds a firm knowledge foundation by combining theory lectures with practical examples and case studies.

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course, you will feel confident to:
    • Understand the thermodynamics of CO2 injection in oil and gas reservoirs
    • Determine and apply principles of CO2 adsorption in methane coalbed
    • Understand CO2 hydrodynamic, solubility and mineral trapping mechanisms
    • Apply principles to evaluate carbon storage processes in aquifers, oil and gas reservoirs, and coalbed
    • Design a laboratory protocol for a successful CO2 sequestration project
    • Validate laboratory data in numerical reservoir simulators


    • Subsurface rock
      - Reservoir rock
      - Caprock
      - Coalbed
    • Fluid phase behaviour and properties
      - CO2 properties
      - Reservoir hydrocarbon fluids
      - Saline aquifers
      - Fluid-fluid interaction studies
      - EOS modelling and characterisation
    • Multi-phase fluid distribution in the reservoir
      - Fluid-rock interaction
      - Interfacial tension and capillary pressure
      - Physics of surface adsorption
      - Phase trapping and capillary leakage
    • Multi-phase flow in porous medium
      - Flow equations
      - Relative permeability
      - Factors influencing relative permeability
      - Methods of relative permeability determination
    • Microscopic and macroscopic displacement
      - Immiscible displacement
      - Mobility ratio
      - Miscible displacement
      - Dispersion coefficient
      - Factors affecting displacement efficiencies
    • Oil and gas recovery methods
      - Drive mechanisms
      - CO2 injection EOR processes
      - Primary recovery of coalbed methane
      - CO2 injection ECBM processes
      - Estimation methods of CO2 storage capacity
      - CO2 storage evaluation criteria
      - Major world CO2 storage projects
    • CO2 sequestration experimental design and modelling
      - Specialised relative permeability experiment
      - CO2 injection EOR displacement experiments
      - Calculation of longitudinal dispersion coefficient
      - Lab scale and field scale simulation models



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