Designed for you, if you are...
- An experienced reservoir engineer dealing with the behaviour of condensate systems and wish to refine your expertise in phase behaviour and multi-phase fluid flow
How we build your confidence
- Demonstrations of which gas condensate PVT data are important, and how to use these data
- Using a PVT lab report to develop an EOS or black-oil model for gas condensate modelling
- Quantifying the importance of condensate production and how it can be best forecast
- Fluid characterisation with an EOS using a commercial PC-based program will be performed
- Compositional reservoir simulation exercises are also used to demonstrate key issues for well deliverability and gas cycling
The benefits from attending
By the end of the course you will feel more confident in your understanding of:
- “What’s important and why” about gas condensate PVT behaviour
- PVT lab reports and how to use them
- The quantitative importance of condensate blockage on well deliverability
- When gas cycling is opportune, and when not
- Introduction and general review of gas condensate reservoir performance
- Sampling methods and laboratory PVT measurements
- Equation-of-state (EOS) fluid characterisation
- Material balance methods including two-phase Z-factor, water influx, trapped gas / condensate and the effect of formation water compressibility
- Long-term well inflow performance, condensate blockage skin and well test interpretation
- Tubing lift performance, minimum lift and erosional velocity
- Special core analysis and relative permeabilities
- Gas cycling considerations, injection patterns, revaporisation and miscibility
- Layered, no-crossflow reservoir and well performance
Customer Feedback
"The course was relevant to my current job role. The instructors had excellent command over the course contents and they answered the participants' questions effectively." - Reservoir Engineer at Pakistan Petroleum
"Very professional and technically updated with industry." - Surveillance Manager at Dolphin
"A complicated topic covered by an industry & academic expert who is able to simplify the complex concepts for practical uses." - Subsurface Manager at CNOOC
"Dr. Whitson is an excellent lecturer in addition to being a world-renowned expert" - Sr. Reservoir Engineer at ENI
"It was very efficient and useful, in terms of both understanding each theoretical background of stuff and practical way" - Reservoir Engineer at Idemitsu