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Introduction to Gated Development Processes (PBM28)


    The course describes the features of a gated development process; where the full project lifecycle is split into distinct phases and there is a decision step between each phase where formal project assurance and governance is applied.
    The benefits of the gated structure are covered including how this affords clear planning of work, deliverables and decisions specific to each phase. The course works through each distinct project phase describing the key work and decisions that need to be made in each phase. It demonstrates how this structure affords clear decision making whilst taking into account uncertainties, particularly subsurface uncertainties in the early project phases.

    Course Level: Foundation / Skill
    Duration: 2 days
    Instructor: Phil Tudhope

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A member of a project team at either graduate or a more experienced technical professional level looking to understand how project decision-making is achieved in a structured development process
    • A senior member of the company responsible for project governance keen to effect a progressive change in the decision-making processes used for major oil & gas developments
    • A subsurface development manager or project execution manager responsible for a major oil & gas project for a number of the development phases

    How we build your confidence

    The course draws on best practices learnt and developed in major IOCs and NOCs. It reinforces the theory with practical application and real industry examples.
    The course is highly interactive and participants are encouraged to share their own experiences and problems to the benefit of all.

    The benefits from attending

    • By the end of the course you will have gained a sound understanding of why applying a ‘Gated’ development process provides for sound decision-making in projects and reduces recycle, late project changes and cost & schedule runaways.
    • You will understand how project assurance and governance integrally fit in with the gated process and have worked through the phases from project initiation / identification through to start-up & operation.
    • You will have gained this from seasoned professionals who have been involved directly with major projects and applying gated processes in international oil & gas companies and national oil companies.


    • The project lifecycle
    • Project phases
      - Identification
      - Assessment
      - Selection
      - Definition
      - Execution
      - Operation
    • Decision-based process
      - Gates
      - Decisions, deliverables & work
    • Project governance
    • Project assurance
      - Technical & quality assurance
      - Business assurance
    • Integrated development
      - The need for full discipline integration
    • Identification & assessment: feasibility
      - Establishing feasibility
    • Concept selection phase
      - What is a selection concept
      - Select planning / managing work by decisions
      - Select planning workshop
      - Concept select workshops
    • Definition phase
    • Managing the execution phase
    • Quality of decisions



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