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Course List

October 2024
7-11 October 20245 daysSpecial Core Analysis (RES48)Vienna - CONFIRMED
13-17 October 20245 daysApplied Field Development Planning (PBM35)Doha
14-18 October 20245 daysApplied Machine Learning and Data Science for Upstream Professionals (RES65)Vienna - CONFIRMED
21-25 October 20245 daysGlobal LNG Projects: A Full Cycle Holistic Approach (PBM51)Vienna
21-25 October 20245 daysApplied Structural Geology (GEO54)Vienna
21-25 October 20245 daysGeological Storage of CO2: Pick the Right Reservoir (RES71)Vienna
27-30 October 20244 daysCased Hole Logging & Formation Evaluation (PPH41)Doha
27-31 October 20245 daysWaterflooding: Performance Predictions and Surveillance (RES28)Doha
28-30 October 20243 daysONLINE: Reservoir Engineering for Non-Reservoir Engineers (RES901)Online - CONFIRMED
November 2024
4-8 November 20245 daysProduction Engineering (PRE12)Vienna - CONFIRMED
4-8 November 20245 daysDirectional Drilling and Well Placement for High Angle and Complex Wells (DRI37)Vienna
10-14 November 20245 daysGeomechanics for Well Engineers (GEO74)Doha
11-15 November 20245 daysApplied Field Development Planning (PBM35)Vienna
11-15 November 20245 daysPetroleum Geostatistics - Integrating Data for Reservoir Modelling and Simulation (GEO07)Vienna
17-21 November 20245 daysAdvanced PVT and EOS Fluid Characterisation (RES08)Doha
18-21 November 20244 daysAdvanced Artificial Lift Systems Design, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting (PRE36)Doha
25-28 November 20244 daysEnergy and Petroleum Economics, Business and Decision Making (PBM02)Vienna
25-29 November 20245 daysWireline and LWD Log Quality Control and its Impact on Interpretation (PPH25)Vienna
25-29 November 20245 daysWell Integrity Management for the Well Life Cycle (DRI18)Vienna - CONFIRMED
December 2024
1-5 December 20245 daysWell Integrity Management for the Well Life Cycle (DRI18)Doha
1-5 December 20245 daysAdvanced Neural Networks, Deep Learning and MLOps for Upstream Professionals (RES77)Doha
2-6 December 20245 daysONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics for Reservoir Characterisation (PPH902)Virtual instructor-led course
9-11 December 20243 daysONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics for Laminated and Low Resistivity Reservoirs (PPH935)Virtual instructor-led course
February 2025
2-6 February 20255 daysWorkover & Completions (DRI38)Doha
April 2025
7-11 April 20255 daysGeothermal Engineering (ETR02)Vienna
May 2025
5-9 May 20255 daysIntegrated Reservoir Management (PBM50)Vienna
12-15 May 20254 daysONLINE: Wireline and LWD Log Quality Control and its Impact on Interpretation (PPH925)Virtual instructor-led course
19-22 May 20254 daysAdvanced Well Testing and Interpretation (RES37)Vienna
19-23 May 20255 daysWell Integrity Management for the Well Life Cycle (DRI18)Vienna
19-23 May 20255 daysAdvanced Neural Networks, Deep Learning and MLOps for Upstream Professionals (RES77)Vienna
19-23 May 20255 daysDirectional, Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling (DRI08)Vienna
25-29 May 20255 daysApplied Machine Learning and Data Science for Upstream Professionals (RES65)Doha
26-28 May 20253 daysGeothermal Drilling Technology (DRI13)Vienna
June 2025
30 Jun-4 Jul 20255 daysFormation Evaluation Principles and Correlations with Core Analysis Data (PPH37)Vienna
July 2025
7-11 July 20255 daysOpen Hole and LWD Interpretation Principles and Applications (PPH33)Vienna
September 2025
8-12 September 20255 daysWorkover & Completions (DRI38)Vienna
8-12 September 20255 daysProduction Engineering (PRE12)Vienna
October 2025
13-17 October 20255 daysApplied Machine Learning and Data Science for Upstream Professionals (RES65)Vienna
20-24 October 20255 daysUncertainty and Risk Assessment (PBM33)Vienna
27-31 October 20255 daysWaterflooding: Performance Predictions and Surveillance (RES28)Vienna
27-31 October 20255 daysApplied Field Development Planning (PBM35)Vienna
November 2025
3-6 November 20254 daysONLINE: Advanced Well Testing and Interpretation (RES937)Virtual instructor-led course
23-27 November 20255 daysAdvanced Neural Networks, Deep Learning and MLOps for Upstream Professionals (RES77)Doha
24-27 November 20254 daysEnergy and Petroleum Economics, Business and Decision Making (PBM02)Vienna
To be announced5 daysAdvanced Coil Tubing and Hydraulic Workover Operations (PRE23)
To be announced5 daysDecision-Based Geothermal Field Development (ETR08)
To be announced4 daysX-mas Trees and Wellheads: Operation and Testing (PRE26)

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