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ONLINE: Integrated Petrophysics for Laminated and Low Resistivity Reservoirs (PPH935)

  • 9-11 December 20243 daysVirtual instructor-led course, OnlineCourse Fee: 1950 EUR + VAT


Shaly Sands (SS), Laminates (LAM) and Low Resistivity Low Contrast (LRLC) pay reservoirs are and always have been the primary problem with log analysis. This course separates and characterises these three overlapping reservoir types and sets out the data sets and petrophysical integration to best identify and evaluate each reservoir type; accurately.
This course steps through a logical process to identify cheap, powerful and commonly available data which is useful to the evaluation. It sets out the essential routine and contingent special logs and core data to arrive at fit-for-purpose results. SS, LAM and LRLC pay reservoirs are defined, delineated and treated separately or together, as each petrophysical method demands. All modern logs including NMR, Dielectric, Spectral GR and image logs are covered, together with established and novel core data integration techniques. Quick look evaluation is included and demonstrated using real-time interactive petrophysics demos. Numerous micro-practicals, videos and open discussion sessions keep this class a memorable learning experience!

Course Structure:
  • 3 modules of 4 hours each, delivered over 3 days
  • Optional: Pre-course self-learning module
  • Optional: Post-course self learning module incl. Q&A opportunity

Course Level: Skill
Instructor: Mark Deakin

Designed for you, if you are...

  • An operations geologist, experienced log analyst, experienced petrophysicist, or wellsite geologist
  • A user of petrophysical results, geo-modeller, exploration manager or team leader
  • A professional involved in the evaluation or modelling of SS, LAM and LRLC pay reservoirs

How we build your confidence

This course addresses what is and always has been the primary problem with log analysis for SS, LAM and LRLC pay reservoirs.
Numerous micro-practicals, videos and open discussion sessions keep this class a memorable learning experience!

Before and After Self-Learning Modules
These modules are an important extra component of the course:
  • Pre is designed to focus and prepare you for the main VILT session
  • Post allows you to practise and quiz yourselves and the instructor before closing out the course

The benefits from attending

By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:

  • How to recognise SS, LAM and LRLC pay reservoirs types from common data
  • Why these reservoirs are so often missed
  • How to identify and flag Missed Pay
  • What key data you need to measure these subtle reservoirs
  • How and when to apply facies based petrophysics
  • How to use quick look techniques after you have diagnosed your reservoir type
  • How to calibrate HPV and kh with core or other hard data correctly
  • What’s different about Waxman Smits, Dual Water, Juhasz, Indonesia or any other shaly sand equation you are curious about and how to use them
  • To understand and use X,Y,Z 3D resistivity logs
  • What a Klein plot is and how to use it
  • What a Thomas Stieber clay/shale distribution plot is and how to use it
  • To understand and use NMR and other volumetric tools both as alternatives to, and in parallel with, a conventional resistivity log analysis
  • Some BIG mistakes with saturation height modelling!
  • How to ensure that geomodels properly represent your petrophysical results


  • Petrophysical reservoir types
  • Shaly sands, laminated & low resistivity low contrast pay reservoir types
  • Shaly sand reservoir examples
  • Laminated reservoir examples
  • Low resistivity low contrast pay reservoir examples
  • Log identification of SS, LAM & LRLC: routine logs
  • Recognising missed pay
  • Effect on reservoir properties: SS, LAM & LRLC
  • Effect on measured log properties: SS, LAM & LRLC
  • Why routine log analysis fails
  • Why Waxman Smits, Dual Water and Indonesia fail: laminated
  • Facies-based petrophysics
  • LRLC pay: spectral GR logs
  • Recommended logs: routine & special
  • Recommended core, mudlogs and other data

  • Laminates – quick look techniques
  • Formation pressure, Vlam, PetroDB
  • X, Y, Z 3D resistivity tools
  • The Klein Plot and quick look Sw
  • Thomas Stieber clay/shale distribution model
  • Determination of Rsand: formal vs quick look
  • Full Thomas Stieber evaluation for HPV
  • Checks on HPV results
  • Refinement of TS method with core: Rsd, Archie, WS
  • Thomas Stieber core calibration
  • Misuse of routine core analysis in laminated reservoirs
  • Author quick look laminated analysis - no 3D resistivity
  • Compare: Archie WS author full Thomas Stieber
  • Laminated reservoir permeability
  • Well tests, core, log reconciliation
  • HPV vs kh

  • Non-resistivity methods
  • Volumetric methods
  • NMR
  • Dielectric
  • Image logs
  • OBM core HPV
  • Saturation-height modelling in laminates
  • Capillary pressure
  • Minimum required data
  • Lab capillary pressure data quality and flaws
  • How to use routine core with SCAL
  • Calibration of log data to capillary pressure results
  • Quick look saturation height HPV
  • Hierarchical reconciliation of results
  • Facies, HPV, permeability
  • Saturation height exercise
  • Geomodel checks
  • Does your geo-model correctly represent its inputs?
  • Laminated reservoir petrophysics



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