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ONLINE: Naturally Fractured Reservoir Modelling and Simulation for the Energy Transition (RES961)


    This course addresses the key concepts and challenges encountered when modelling simulating naturally fractured reservoirs and will provide practical guidelines for creating meaningful reservoir simulation models across a range of subsurface reservoir applications.

    Course Structure: 10 modules of max. 2 hours each, delivered over 5 days
    Each day will consist of 2 modules which will be no more than 2 hours in length with ample time for delegates to break for refreshments.

    Course Level: Advanced / Specialised
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Sebastian Geiger

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • An experienced reservoir engineer working on naturally fractured reservoirs, wishing to refine your expertise in modelling and simulating these complex reservoirs

    How we build your confidence

    • You will understand how and why fractured reservoirs matter for the energy transition and how oil and gas expertise can be applied to others subsurface applications such as CCS and geothermal energy
    • By using case studies, you will review the challenges encountered during the characterisation and operation of naturally fractured reservoirs
    • Modern reservoir modelling approaches for naturally fractured reservoirs will be discussed (not specific to certain software packages)
    • You will learn how to quantify the fundamental processes that drive fluid flow in naturally fractured formations (incl. simple exercises)
    • You will explore the concepts available in modern reservoir simulation packages and discuss their advantages and disadvantages when single- and multi-phase flow processes in naturally fractured reservoirs
    • You will understand why and how advanced history-matching workflows can help to provide better production forecasts for naturally fractured reservoirs

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:

    • State-of-the-art naturally fractured reservoir modelling
    • Creating and upscaling fracture network models
    • The physics of multiphase flow in naturally fractured formations
    • Running dual-porosity and dual-permeability models
    • Using assisted history matching techniques to forecast future production


    • The role of naturally fractured reservoirs in the energy transition
    • Introduction to naturally fractured reservoirs and their performance
    • Fracture network modelling and upscaling
    • Principles of fluid flow in fractured formations
    • Reservoir simulation using dual-porosity and dual-permeability models
    • Assisted history matching for naturally fractured reservoirs



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