Jan 2024
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Jan 2020
Jan 2019

HOT Engineering Recognized for Outstanding Customer Service

We are delighted and proud to announce that HOT has been awarded the “Customer Outreach Award 2019” by FindCourses, a global training search engine for professionals. FindCourses has recognized HOT as a trusted partner in their Customer Outreach award selection process based on prompt and excellent customer care and professionalism in handling training inquiries.

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Aug 2018

Sensitivity Explorer 2.1 (SenEx 2.1) Release

We are pleased to announce that Version 2.1 of SenEx has been released!
SenEx, our next-generation assisted history matching tool, is as fast, flexible and forward-thinking as a cheetah. It speeds up your history matching exercise significantly while dramatically improving the quality of your history match. Sensitivities are computed analytically, reducing the number of simulation runs by a factor of 10 for mature fields: What usually takes months is achieved in days.
Read on about what’s new in SenEx Version 2.1!

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