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Seismic Stratigraphy (GPH49)


    Seismic stratigraphy is a great tool for hydrocarbon prospectivity evaluation of sedimentary basins. Seismic data contain a wealth of geological information: structural and stratigraphic. Seismic stratigraphy is an interpretation methodology that focuses on the stratigraphic interpretation of reflection seismic data. As such it is complementary to the structural interpretation methodology. Seismic stratigraphy merges information from reflection seismic data with concepts of sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy to predict lithology distribution in a basin or area. Prediction of reservoir, seal, and source rock distribution away from well control, is greatly enhanced by the application of seismo-stratigraphic tools.

    Course Level: Skill
    Duration: 5 days
    Instructor: Mark Bouman

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A petroleum geologist or seismic interpreter involved with exploration and development of oil and gas fields.

    How we build your confidence

    The course spends at least 50% of the time on seismic interpretation exercises, based on data from a wide variety of geological settings. Lectures on theory and background alternate with exercises.

    The benefits from attending

    At the end of this course you will be able to recognize and map seismic facies belts, sediment distribution systems and litho-facies belts, and use this data for prospectivity assessment.


    • Seismic stratigraphy work flow.
    • Unconformities, reflection terminations & depositional sequences.
    • Seismic facies, geometry of sedimentary bodies.
    • Seismic image & lithology prediction.
    • Relationship sequence stratigraphy & seismic stratigraphy
    • Eustacy, relative sea-level, and sediment distribution patterns.
    • Chronostratigraphic charts
    • Basin formation processes & sedimentation patterns
    • Effect of seismic display/processing on seismic facies expression.
    • Usage of velocity information
    • Resolution issues.
    • Mapping of seismic facies & prospectivity assessment
    • Seismic expression of shallow marine clastic, carbonates, turbidites and lacustrine systems



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