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ONLINE: Reservoir Engineering for Non-Reservoir Engineers (RES901)

  • 28-30 October 20243 daysVirtual instructor-led course, OnlineCourse Fee: 2150 EUR + VAT


This course introduces basic reservoir engineering concepts and methods to enable cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and experience. It provides the required input to help you understand questions crucial to the reservoir engineer: How much oil & gas is there (accumulation)? How much can be recovered (reserves)? How fast can it be recovered (rate)?

Course Structure: 9 modules of 1½ hours each, delivered over 3 days
Each day will consist of 3 modules of 1½ hours, incl. a 15 min break.

Course Level: Foundation
Instructor: Leonhard Ganzer

Designed for you, if you are...

  • A geoscientist or petroleum engineer with little or no reservoir engineering experience

How we build your confidence

  • Theoretical concepts illustrated during individual sessions are accompanied by working on practical problems to ensure a thorough understanding of the principles and procedures
  • Hands-on experience by solving classical reservoir engineering tasks on PC

The benefits from attending

By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:
  • Reservoir engineering concepts and terminology
  • Rock and fluid properties relevant for reservoir engineering methods
  • Single- and multi-phase fluid flow through porous media
  • How recovery factors and reserves are being estimated and predicted
  • Reservoir engineering methods to predict reservoir performance


  • Introduction to Petroleum Reservoirs
  • Properties of Reservoir Rocks
  • Properties of Reservoir Fluids
  • Principles of Multi-phase Fluid Flow Through Porous Media
  • Hydrocarbon Volumetrics
  • Hydrocarbon Reserves Definitions
  • Material Balance Methods
  • Displacement Efficiency and Mobility Ratio
  • Decline Curve Analysis

Customer Feedback

"Good overview of the subject." - Technical Sales Manager at Expro North Sea

"Good trainer’s knowledge and availability to answer questions." - Reservoir Geologist at INA

"The online course was much better than I expected. Not only all of the course participants kept the rules of online communication but also the instructor did a great job." - Reservoir Geologist at MOL

"It was a very good overview of the subject. Topics followed each other naturally and the modules were not too long. It gave me a really good basic understanding of reservoir engineering, which will be very useful in my work." - Geoscientist at EBN B.V.

"I can say that was really a great training session. Actually I have already participated in previous HOTEng trainings before, and all of them were at high standards." - Petrophysicist at MOL

"The sessions timing was excellent. I prefer short sessions with breaks and extended over couple of days rather than one day full training which is usually hard to absorb and honestly is boring." - Reservoir Geologist at MOL

"Good balance in theory and practice, style and technical expertise of the instructor, clear explanations. Applicability in my everyday work as a reservoir geologist." - Reservoir Geologist at MOL



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