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ONLINE: Rock Properties for Reservoir Engineering and Simulation (RES972)


    This course develops participants' skills in the use of established principles of modern core analysis including advanced imaging techniques. The procedures and tools for core retrieval, analysis, and quality control are reviewed along with their engineering use and their uncertainty. Covered in the course is the complete handling of the core, measurement methods, quality control procedures, wellbore log calibrations, and the use of the data in reservoir upscaling and simulations. Advanced measurements for emerging applications in unconventionals and carbon capture and storage are described and evaluated.

    Course Level: Skill
    Duration: 4 days
    Instructor: Jim Funk

    Designed for you, if you are...

    • A geologist, geophysicist, reservoir engineer or petrophysicist who will recommend or use core analysis results
    • A core analyst, formation damage specialist or laboratory technician working to develop improved laboratory measurements and procedures
    • A database professional tasked with developing core and rock property databases

    How we build your confidence

    • Concise summaries of the techniques, equipment and measurement basics for conventional, special and imaging rock property measurements are provided
    • You learn the best combination of tests and techniques for an optimal core analysis program
    • You learn to evaluate and analyse the raw data, calculate the uncertainty and incorporate the results
    • You learn to evaluate and integrate the measured engineering properties with well logs, tests and simulation models

    The benefits from attending

    By the end of the course, you will feel confident in your understanding of:
    • Coring operations, core types, sizes and limitations
    • Core handling procedures and non-destructive qualitative and quantitative core characterisation
    • Techniques, uncertainty, and quality control for routine and special core analyses
    • Resistivity, dielectric, and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and fundamentals for saturation measurements and models
    • Capillarity and pore structure methods
    • Experimental techniques and uncertainty for multi-phase displacement mechanisms and specialized tests for formation evaluation, carbon capture, usage, and storage


    Coring and Conventional Core Analysis
    • Core planning and implementation – engineering objectives, specialized coring techniques, equipment, and core handling
    • Core quality control and sample selection, highlighting the use of x-ray CT techniques for heterogeneity, characterization, and log calibration
    • Conventional core analyses for porosity, permeability, mineralogy, and saturation
    • Rock mechanics tests and adjustments of conventional results to reservoir conditions
    • Quality control of conventional tests and validation with well tests and logs
    • Examples and exercises

    Methods for Formation Evaluation - Reserves
    • Electrical property measurements (resistivity and dielectric) with models for carbonates and shaly sands
    • NMR techniques for petrophysics and fluid typing
    • Capillarity and wettability measurement techniques and models
    • Saturation height function applications including use of J functions, Thomeer parameters and Corey exponent models
    • Examples and exercises

    Rock Properties for Reservoir Dynamics and Simulations
    • Single phase dispersivity and multi-phase relative permeability displacement tests and methods
    • Basic relative permeability determinations and laboratory programs
    • Averaging and Quality control of SCAL tests
    • Upscaling and preparing relative permeability results for reservoir simulation
    • Examples and Exercises

    Advanced Rock properties and Specialized Tests
    • Specialized tests for stimulation, EOR, and unconventionals
    • Specialized tests for CO2 and hydrogen storage including reservoir seal and damage tests
    • Introduction to digital rock methods in core analysis
    • Review and discussions



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