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ONLINE: Exploring Petrophysics in Geothermal Energy for Diverse Professionals (PPH940)

  • 29-30 September 20252 daysONLINE, Course Fee: 1650 EUR + VAT


This course provides a practical guide of how to use and interpret well logs measured in the vicinity of planned geothermal sites to reduce uncertainties when assessing the feasibility of geothermal energy utilisation.
Analytical methods as well as (more sophisticated) reservoir simulations used for reservoir and production engineering assessment of the potential energy yield (volumes and temperature) need fundamental input such as porosity, permeability, and geothermal properties. Wells are the best source for such data and as more and more countries make well information and data publicly available, logs from the vicinity of planned geothermal targets should be used and assessed.
This course is very hands-on and result-oriented, and particularly beneficial for professionals who want to make meaningful petrophysical assessments for their geothermal challenge.

Course Structure: 4 modules of max. 3 hours each, delivered over 2 days
Each day will consist of 2 modules which will be no more than 3 hours in length with ample time for delegates to break for refreshments.

Course Level: Foundation
Instructor: Claudia Steiner-Luckabauer

Designed for you, if you are...

  • Keen to gain fundamental experience or know-how of how to read logs, extract petrophysical parameters and derive information for geothermal specific aspects

How we build your confidence

  • Examples of intuitive log reading
  • Practical examples on how to visually pinpoint key aspects of a log section
  • Discussion on literature examples

The benefits from attending

By the end of the course you will feel confident in your understanding of:
  • How to read old and modern logs, and how to extract petrophysical parameters
  • Fundamental differences between calculating properties from carbonate or clastic environments
  • How to assess log quality, how to qualitatively extract fundamental information such as horizon-based water salinity changes, how to derive basic lithologies, and how to differentiate between tight and permeable zones
  • Applying fundamental petrophysical equations and how to extract properties such as porosity, shale volume, permeability and main lithologies


  • Fundamentals of practical log interpretation
  • Logging effects
  • The interlink between permeability and mud filtrate invasion
  • Critical evaluation (deficiencies, mis-interpretations, etc.) of (literature) examples deriving thermal properties from logs



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